Quick Primer: Separation Of Concerns

Separation Of Concerns is a fundamental concept in software engineering and design that promotes breaking down a complex software system into distinct and manageable parts, each of which addresses a specific aspect or concern of the application. This separation helps make the software more modular, maintainable, and easier to understand. Here’s a quick primer of the key ideas behind the Separation of Concerns. ...

January 16, 2022 · 2 min

Quick Primer: SOLID

Thought it might be a bit of fun to jot down a quick primer for SOLID principles - helpful if you have an exam and need to crunch. ...

January 10, 2022 · 4 min

SOLID and Domain Driven Design Together

Consider yourself not just a software developer but an architect of complex software systems. In this realm, you have at your disposal a set of powerful guidelines known as SOLID principles, designed to enhance the structure and maintainability of your code. These principles go hand in hand with Domain-Driven Design (DDD), a methodology that focuses on aligning software solutions with the intricacies of a specific problem domain. SOLID principles act as a foundation for your coding practices, ensuring that your software is not only robust but also adaptable to changing requirements. When incorporated alongside DDD, they contribute to the creation of well-structured and maintainable software solutions. In this exploration, we’ll delve into how SOLID principles can seamlessly integrate with DDD, providing a holistic approach to building software that is both powerful and flexible, capable of addressing the nuances of the problem domain it serves. ...

October 1, 2021 · 3 min

SOLID Development Principles

SOLID Development Principles Imagine you’re building a complex LEGO castle. You want it to be cool, easy to modify, and resilient, right? Well, in the world of software development, we have our own set of principles to make our code equally awesome. These are the SOLID Development Principles - a set of guidelines that help us write code that’s not only easy to build but also easy to maintain, extend, and modify. They’re like the building blocks for creating robust, flexible, and future-proof software. Let’s dive into what each of these principles means and how they can help you become a coding wizard! ...

August 13, 2021 · 2 min