What Is Domain Driven Design?

Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is an approach to designing and organizing software that focuses on understanding and representing the core concepts and relationships within a specific problem domain. In simple terms, it’s a way of building software that closely mirrors the real-world problem it’s intended to solve. It’s all about keeping it real and making software that’s super effective, easy to tweak, and won’t drive you nuts when things change. Think of it as a way to slice up complex problems into manageable pieces, set clear boundaries, and use tried-and-true patterns to represent the core bits. The result? Software that gets your problem and helps you solve it without losing your mind. ...

September 24, 2021 · 3 min

SOLID Development Principles

SOLID Development Principles Imagine you’re building a complex LEGO castle. You want it to be cool, easy to modify, and resilient, right? Well, in the world of software development, we have our own set of principles to make our code equally awesome. These are the SOLID Development Principles - a set of guidelines that help us write code that’s not only easy to build but also easy to maintain, extend, and modify. They’re like the building blocks for creating robust, flexible, and future-proof software. Let’s dive into what each of these principles means and how they can help you become a coding wizard! ...

August 13, 2021 · 2 min