Automated testing is something I really believe in.

But you can’t always spend a lot of time setting up a project to get started on adding in tests. That’s where my newly released repository WebsiteTestingStarterKit comes into play. It’s exactly as it sounds - it’s a starter kit for writing tests. It’s written in C# and uses Selenium and xUnit to run through a bunch of automated tests.

I love automated testing for a few reasons.

  • They make sure testing is a process. Process is a thing.
  • Automated tests follow the same steps each time, meaning that they don’t miss covering something as long as you write a test for it.
  • They save time by not forcing someone to manual check everything again and again, which can also cause something to get missed.

Although it takes time to write automated tests, in the long run it will save you time and headaches by having a consistent testing plan available for your website. This in turn allows you to pick up on unattended side effects from adding new features or enhancements you make.

I’ve pre-configured the project to run an example website written in ASP.NET 5 ASP.NET Core before running the tests, however you could configure this testing project to target a hosted website. The best part is it will run under the Mono runtime as well, so you can run it on OSX or your favourite Linux distro (for me it’s Ubuntu).

Check out WebsiteTestingStarterKit on Github now.